Estephanie Flynn is a senior at Austin High School. She is a dependable team player.She is ... Learn More

Estephanie Flynn
About Me
Estephanie Flynn is a senior at Austin High School. She is a dependable team player.She is also a very friendly and outgoing individual. Estephanie is the manager forthe Austin Packers Hockey Team. When Estephanie is not in school she likes tospend time with her friends and family. She works as a customer service manager atWalmart Supercenter in Austin, Minnesota. This job has taught her how to beindependent and a great leader to others. Estephanie plans on attending RiverlandCommunity College through the Hormel Foundation Austin Assurance Scholarship tostart her generals. After finishing her generals at Riverland, she plans ontransferring to Bethany Lutheran College in Mankato, Minnesota to major inInternational Business.