My name is Morgan Hose and I am currently a senior at Austin High School. Iam involved many ... Learn More

Morgan Hose
About Me
My name is Morgan Hose and I am currently a senior at Austin High School. Iam involved many extracurriculars such as Student Council, DECA, NoonKiwanis, Austin Aspires, and Scarlet Cord. I run cross country, track, and alsosing in the choir. Outside of school, I enjoy politics, listening to music,volunteering, and creating lifelong memories with my friends. You can oftenfind me waitressing at El Mariachis, a Mexican restaurant, or attending schoolevents. Once I graduate high school, I plan on pursuing a degree in politicalscience and attending law school. I am looking forward to CEO exposing meto endless knowledge and experience from some of the most influentialbusinesses in my life!