Hello! My name is LeAnn Valle, oldest daughter of Mirna and Julian Valle. I amcurrently a ... Learn More

LeAnn Valle
About Me
Hello! My name is LeAnn Valle, oldest daughter of Mirna and Julian Valle. I amcurrently a Senior at Austin High School. In addition, I am also a full-time PSEO student atRiverland Community College. To begin with, I am honored to be part of the CEO class thisyear. When I heard about the CEO program I thought it would be truly valuable to me. In mynear future, I plan to major in business and own a business of my own. With that being said, thisclass gives me the opportunity for a real life experience that is unique and isn’t taught in a regularclassroom. I believe CEO will help me towards my career goals as it opens new doors andprovides exposure to what the business world is truly like. Furthermore, I am excited to be part of the very first Mower County CEO class and have the opportunity to engravingthe first footprints of success.